A message from the Managing Director, Tom Foristal and the entire Melba’s Team:
In light of the uncertain times we are facing due to the outbreak of COVID-19, we wanted to let you know the steps we are taking at Melba’s Chocolates to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our customers and staff.
In addition to our regular health and hygiene practices, we have implemented:
– Additional hand sanitation stations throughout the factory;
– Removal of chocolate samples;
– No filling of reusable travel mugs in our coffee shop;
– Additional sanitation of high-hand traffic areas e.g. turnstiles, door handles, handrails etc.
– Request that customers use card to pay whenever possible – to avoid the use of cash, and;
– Re-training of hand-washing techniques with staff.
We are monitoring the situation daily and will respond according to Government recommendations.
We ask visitors who are not well to please not visit our Woodside chocolate factory. For those choosing to avoid public places in this time, a reminder that you can still purchase your favourite treats, as well as the entire Easter range, from Melba’s online store.
For any questions or concerns, feel free to contact the team on (08) 8389 7868 or at admin@melbaschocolates.com.au
Although we are unsure what is to come, Melba’s look forward to continuing to put smiles on everyone’s faces through delicious chocolate treats.
– The Melba’s Team